Karizma is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our service providers and guests. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Karizma team is responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities, and that requires full cooperation among service providers and guests. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of our workplaces.
The Karizma team is responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.
Karizma’s service providers are our most important assets. We are serious about safety and health in order to keep us working at Karizma. Team involvement is essential in developing and implementing a successful COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. We have both been involved in the process of creating this preparedness plan. Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows the Minnesota Board of Cosmetology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19 and Executive Order 20-48, and addresses:
• hygiene and respiratory etiquette;
• engineering and administrative controls for social distancing;
• customer controls and protections for drop-off, pick-up and delivery;
• housekeeping, including cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination;
• prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;
• communications and training that will be provided to our team;
• management necessary to ensure effective implementation of the plan.
All guests will be temperature checked upon arrival. Along with appointment confirmation emails/texts 24 hours prior to appointments, a link to a google form will also be sent for a “pre-screening”, answering questions pertaining to COVID-19. If yes is answered to any questions on the form, or there is the presence of a fever upon arrival, they will be asked to leave and reschedule their appointment.
Service providers have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The following policies and procedures are being implemented to assess workers’ health status prior to entering the workplace and for workers to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms. Karizma will be conducting temperature checks at the beginning of every shift, if the service provider has been exposed to anyone with a positive COVID-19 test or anyone with any flu like symptoms or if they themselves have any of the mentioned symptoms will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. These symptoms include, but are not limited to: fever, shortness of breath, extreme exhaustion, non-productive (dry) cough, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, loss of sense of smell and/or taste.
Basic infection prevention measures are being implemented at our workplaces at all times. Service providers are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day, but especially at the beginning and end of their shift, before and after each guest, prior to any mealtimes and after using the toilet. All guests will be required to wash their hands immediately upon entering the facility. Hand-sanitizer (that use sanitizers of greater than 60% alcohol) can be used for hand hygiene in addition of soap and water, as long as hands are not visibly soiled, throughout each guest’s visit. Service providers are required to wash/sanitize hands any time they leave their guest and return. Hand washing is also required after removing any PPE. Karizma offers 3 hand washing areas in which all have hot running water, soap, paper towels and hand washing posters distributed by the WHO. Hand sanitizer will also be placed at all service areas and accessible throughout the salon.
Workers and visitors are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose and eyes, with their hands. They should dispose of tissues in the trash and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette will be supported by making tissues and trash receptacles available to service providers and guests. Service providers and all guests will be required to wear masks at all times. Service providers will also be required to wear gloves for all lashing and facial services, including, but not limited to facial waxing and tweezing. If you do not have your own mask, Karizma will have masks available upon arrival.
Social distancing is being implemented in the workplace through the following engineering and administrative controls:
• We have lessened the amount of waiting area space and have followed proper social distancing guidelines of 6 feet between waiting, station, and reception areas.
• We will stagger appointment start times between staff members to lessen the number of waiting guests at one time.
• Karizma is a smaller setting, we do not feel it necessary to call or text before entering, unless the guest feels safer doing so. At maximum, there could be 2 guests waiting, and proper 6 feet protocol is in place for this scenario.
• Karizma is required to adhere to proper social distancing guidelines and are not allowed any more than 10 people in the salon at one time. The maximum number of people in the salon at one time should never exceed 6, including (2) service providers, (2) current guests, and (2) waiting guests, should that situation ever arise.
• No additional guests may accompany you to your appointment.
• Children are allowed in the salon only if they have an appointment and only during the time of their appointment. Children may be accompanied by only 1 adult, and no additional children can be inside the salon, even if they have the next appointment time. Please make arrangements to have someone wait in the vehicle with your child(ren) if this pertains to you.
• The 2 salon styling stations are spaced far enough apart for proper social distancing.
Service providers, and guests are prohibited from gathering in groups. Service providers and guests are prohibited from gathering in confined areas, and from using other providers personal protective equipment, phones, computer equipment, desks, workstations, or other personal work tools and equipment.
Regular housekeeping practices are being implemented, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of work surfaces, equipment, tools, delivery vehicles and areas in the work environment, including restrooms, break areas and drop-off and pick-up locations. Frequent cleaning and disinfecting will be conducted in high-touch areas, such as phones, keyboards, touch screens, controls, door handles, credit card readers, etc.
• Karizma strictly adheres to the MN Board of Cosmetology guidelines for best practices in Safety and Sanitation.
• Service providers have been double certified by BARBICIDE for proper sanitation and disinfection practices and procedures consistent with the current industry standards. This includes a COVID-19 specific certification.
• We are following a rigorous cleaning schedule to ensure all stations/lashing areas and high-touch surfaces are disinfected on a regular basis. Each station area is completely washed and sanitized between every guest. The aesthetics/lash room has added measures of disinfection, including the addition of a sanitary cover that can be disinfected between every guest.
• A freshly laundered cape and towel is used for every guest. The state requires that we launder in hot water.
• All submergible implements are washed with soap and hot water and then immersed in Barbicide for 10 minutes.
• Sprayable tools/implements will be rid of excess hair or debris and sprayed with hospital grade, EPA-registered disinfectant spray for the required amount of time, as indicated on the label by the manufacturer.
This Preparedness Plan was communicated via phone/text/email between staff members on 5/12/20 and necessary training was provided. Additional communication and training will be ongoing as we receive any changes or suggestions from the Minnesota Board of Cosmetology, Minnesota Department of Health, or the Center for Disease Control.
Instructions will be communicated to guests about how pick-up will be conducted to ensure social distancing between the guest, the worker and other guests, and about the recommendation that guests use face masks when picking up products for curbside pickup. The product will be sanitized as they are being placed in the bag while the worker is wearing a mask and gloves. The product will be left out side and all transactions will be done over the phone or via online invoice.
This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has been certified by Karizma Salon & Spa management and was posted throughout the workplace on 5/20/20. It will be updated as necessary.